Max Wynne

They breathe out of their mouth.
Ideal: Only the strong survive.
Flaw: They frequently insert curse words into their daily vernacular.
Bond: They abandoned their family to start a buisness in a new land.
“I heard the mayor is cheating.”
River Greene

They are allergic to nuts.
Ideal: They only feel alive when searching for lost knowledge.
Flaw: They are cruel.
Bond: A magical accident caused them to permanently change shape, and they will stop at nothing to fix the damage.
“I heard there were fell tidings coming out of the west.”
Sarab Orsan

They slur their words.
Ideal: The happiness of their friends is more important than their own happiness.
Flaw: They have a strong paranoia about animals.
Bond: They abandoned their family to become an adventurer.
“It smells like a horse's backside in here!”
Maz Ferrier

They carry a wicker basked filled with chicken across their back.
Ideal: All that matters is their friends.
Flaw: They never tell the whole truth.
Bond: They will do anything to protect their family.
“Thou art a striking young maiden.”
Riley Amal

They have a tattoo of a woman's name on their bicep.
Ideal: Charity start at home.
Flaw: They pay no respect to the Gods.
Bond: They swore to defeat their rival in combat.
“You spongy half-faced flax-wench!”
Tami Selwyn

They wear hand-me-down clothing that is two sizes too big.
Ideal: People are inherently greedy.
Flaw: They have a bias against jugglers.
Bond: They swore to never allow themselves to be embarrassed in public again.
“Sit you down and have a laugh!”
Valeria Oaktree

Their hair never moves, even in a strong wind.
Ideal: All that matters is coming home at the end of the day.
Flaw: They show cowardice when confronted.
Bond: They once saw a mystical being walk into the local forest.
“Come try this fresh baked bread!”
Muriel Tathdel

They swear frequently.
Ideal: They would do anything for their gang.
Flaw: They refuse to stop working, even at a detriment to their health.
Bond: They will do whatever it takes to ensure their legacy survives.
“Between you and me -- I get lost way too easily.”
Mona Malfoy

They walk with a limp.
Ideal: The true path to power is understanding.
Flaw: They seek a worthy death in battle, despite never fighting anyone in their life.
Bond: They swore to bring a known criminal to justice.
“Too many sweets will make the children soft!”
Character designs by
Character portraits by
NPC Generator with professions and personality
The Character Generator provides a name, personality quirk, and description of the NPC's motivations and bonds. It also includes portraits to inspire!
All the written content for Characters was designed by Icarus Games. The portraits were illustrated and generously provided for this project by If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!