Object, rare
Written on parchment. Left at the split tree, right past the black rock, twenty paces behind the largest oak.
Written on parchment. Left at the split tree, right past the black rock, twenty paces behind the largest oak.
Bundle of torches
Object, uncommon
Six torches wrapped in a large piece of linen.
Six torches wrapped in a large piece of linen.
Gem dust
Object, very rare
A small pouch that can be worn upon a belt contains some ground up gems. Worth money? Who knows!?
A small pouch that can be worn upon a belt contains some ground up gems. Worth money? Who knows!?
Object, common
A round hat.
A round hat.
Pouch of Feathers
Object, uncommon
Why does someone need this many feathers?
Why does someone need this many feathers?
Object, rare
A heavy crown made of iron. Not that fancy.
A heavy crown made of iron. Not that fancy.
Object, uncommon
A wheel smaller than those found on a wagon. It's made of wood, and in perfect condition.
A wheel smaller than those found on a wagon. It's made of wood, and in perfect condition.
Brass knuckles
Weapon, common
Brass that's been molded to fit around someone's knuckles.
Brass that's been molded to fit around someone's knuckles.
Bag of teeth
Object, very rare
This can't be good. A small leather bag filled with humanoid teeth.
This can't be good. A small leather bag filled with humanoid teeth.
Mundane Items designed by
Item Generator with objects for dungeons and NPCs
The Mundane Item Generator provides a mix of random objects ranging from mundane to weird. It's perfect for quickly finding things you might see in a dungeon, town, or other location. It's also useful for filling the pockets of your NPCs.
If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!