Plot Hooks
Holy War
Two armies have begun a war with one another, but they don't know that they actually serve the same trickster god.
Jimbo Dresdain is die hard in their resolve that they worship the best god.
Ice Storm
A severe winter storm has hit, and it's going to take skill and luck to survive the deep freeze.
Kendra Mattell is worried that they won't make it through the storm.
While travelling, you pass a crossroad with a small cemetery. A few hours later, you pass by the same crossroads, although you have not changed your direction.
Bruce Woodfur tells you not to go down that road. Katja Roderick smiles slightly too wide when talking to you.
Through the Fade
Whenever you sleep, you dream of being watched by an impossible creature with many eyes, torturing you for answers. After the latest dream you awaken with physical marks of your torture on your body.
Bernie Scott cannot identify where the wounds come from. Jonas Winterheart suggests you speak to the local seer.
A Persistent Chill
As spring arrives in the valley, the winter thaw never occurs. The river stays frozen and a chill wind blows in from the mountain pass in the north.
Linda Mervor fears they will run out of wood. Aubrey Greene cannot get out onto the lake to fish.
Undead Friends
Those who have died in the last decade have risen from the graves, most no more than skeletons. They're not evil though, they're looking to pick up their lives right where they left off.
Avery Schmidt is less than pleased to see their old romantic partner eight years after they died.
The Ageless
A small group of travelling wanderers seem to not age.
Reuben Portman met the group as a child, and they're all the same age as they were back then.
The Double
Everyone saw the King die on the battlefield, and yet he just gave the victory speech a day later.
Simone Briggs is wondering if it's magic, or just an actor.
Yeti Trouble
Snoe creatures have formed an army and are sweeping across the frozen landscape.
Logan Mattell is putting together a group of hunters.
Plot Hooks designed by
Plot Hook Generator with character interactions
The Plot Hook Generator provides ideas to seed your stories and quests. It also includes interactions with NPCs to help ease you into roleplaying.
The Plot Hooks were designed by LoreCraft. If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!