Plot Hooks
The brew fest has arrived! But the caravan carrying the brew has not, and it has now been a week overdue.
Reiko Davis ordered the brews from the nearby city weeks ago. Arios Beech is prepared to cancel the breakfast if the brews are not found.
The Closed Mine
A nearby mine has closed, laying off a hundred workers, who now have no idea how they're going to support themselves and their families.
Mack Halgar thinks the owner of the mine is up to something shady.
The Missing Letter
A letter proving a man's innocence has gone missing, a day before he is to be hung.
Diego Hickory hates the man, and swore to Aric Carnage that nothing would save him.
It Writhes in the Deeps
A massive, terrifying sea monster washes up on shore next to the city with a massive bite taken out of its side. Over the next week many ships are lost at sea,
Pallav Huon believes there is always a bigger fish. Tarc Sybil is a doomsayer who believes this is an omen of the end.
It Needs to Feed
A panicked farmer shows you to his henhouse. Inside you find a formless blob-like creature with long tendrils. There are no hens, and the creature appears to slowly be gaining in size.
Lia Adir has never seen a creature like this. Gar Huon used to be an adventurer and remembers a gelatinous cube or ooze being similar
The Siren's Call
You booked passage on a ship. Midway through the voyage, you awaken to find only you and your companions on board. The ship is anchored beside a small island and a Siren's song fills the air...
Charlie Goldpetal warns of danger on the seas. Tavi Faelyn believes she met a creature of the sea with an entrancing singing voice.
You make camp in an ancient elven ruin, and while exploring you find a great mirror that has been shattered. When you gaze into each piece of the mirror, you see yourself, and a shadow lurking behind.
The figure in the mirror gestures to you, begging for release.
God Fight!
Two gods have come to the mortal plain and are duking it out.
Katrina Everett is rooting for the more handsome god.
The Pursuer
A hulking monster has been sent to hunt down members of a military squad which fought in the last great war.
Aric Zaki and their partner Clio Hickory were both in the squad, and are looking to pay bodyguards to keep them safe.
Plot Hooks designed by
Plot Hook Generator with character interactions
The Plot Hook Generator provides ideas to seed your stories and quests. It also includes interactions with NPCs to help ease you into roleplaying.
The Plot Hooks were designed by LoreCraft. If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!