Plot Hooks
The Missing Librarian
A scholar has been called away to explore a newly discovered ancient mine. He has not returned.
Charlie Jayid is friends with the scholar, but Robert Crump thinks they might have something to do with the scholar's disappearance.
The Last Message
A body is found with a note clutched in its hand. The party feels as though the note should be delivered to the dead man's wife.
Phoebe Brown is the only person who can decipher the code written hastily at the bottom of the note.
Through the Fade
Whenever you sleep, you dream of being watched by an impossible creature with many eyes, torturing you for answers. After the latest dream you awaken with physical marks of your torture on your body.
Laikyn Ellis cannot identify where the wounds come from. Preston Woodfur suggests you speak to the local seer.
A town has been taken over by children, and all the adults have been slain.
Jayson Summer managed to escape from the town.
The One Who Watches
Ever since you looted an ancient burial site, you have dreamt of a strange creature. You have now started seeing it while awake.
Linda Spring cannot see the creature you describe. Erica Wolfbrother has started to treat you strangely after you confide your fears.
The New Chef
A new chef has been hired at the tavern. Unfortunately, he hasn't shown up for his first day.
Sebastian Baggins saw the chef drinking a bit too much the night before.
The Shopping List
A travelling wizard needs helps gathering supplies for his potions.
Isabelle Enola seems to think the wizard is a fake, and may be leading the party toward doom.
The Closed Mine
A nearby mine has closed, laying off a hundred workers, who now have no idea how they're going to support themselves and their families.
Kashida James thinks the owner of the mine is up to something shady.
The Living Ship
A ship has been spotted off the coast which appears to be void of a crew, and able to transform itself to somewhat resemble a shark, it's massive mouth biting into other ships and dragging them under the waves.
Jon Dunstan is too afraid to go into the water now.
Plot Hooks designed by
Plot Hook Generator with character interactions
The Plot Hook Generator provides ideas to seed your stories and quests. It also includes interactions with NPCs to help ease you into roleplaying.
The Plot Hooks were designed by LoreCraft. If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!