The Blossoming Embrace
The caster of this major magick may sing a paralyzing torrent.
Level | 7 |
Area of effect | An area the size of a young forest |
Range | In your line of sight |
Damage | Like the threshing of a wyrms many claws |
Duration | Until you have seen 3 sunsets |
Casting ritual | Maintain unbroken skin contact with the target for 6 hours |
Recharge | Remove one finger from your main hand and burn it at an altar using rare firesalts |
Wild magic effect | One of your family members turns into a warlock. |
Devlan's Hastening Grace
The caster of this moderate magick may will a soothing armor.
Level | 6 |
Area of effect | An area the size of a young forest |
Range | Within 1 paces |
Damage | Enough to make this spell dangerous |
Duration | For about as long as it takes to walk through a small town |
Casting ritual | Chant magic words while making the appropriate hand motion |
Recharge | Perform the complex movements with your arms |
Wild magic effect | You develop a crippling fear of books. |
Mesmerizing Lines Mark the Claw
The caster of this moderate magick may hurl an animating claw.
Level | 5 |
Area of effect | An area no larger than three fighting beggars |
Range | Anywhere in the same province |
Damage | Enough to make this spell dangerous |
Duration | 4 hours |
Casting ritual | Perform a basic dance |
Recharge | Hunt a jackal and consume a piece of it |
Wild magic effect | Over the next 5 days, your eyes will slowly shrink then disappear. |
The Resurrecting Embrace
The caster of this moderate magick may emanate a shapeshifting torrent.
Level | 4 |
Area of effect | An area the size of 3 wagons |
Range | Near to you |
Damage | Of serious concern |
Duration | Only until you fall asleep |
Casting ritual | Touch the target with your bare skin |
Recharge | Rest by an open fire with someone you trust |
Wild magic effect | You develop an unseemly fascination with hands. |
Disguising Lines Mark the Warp
The caster of this minor magick may hurl a hindering warp.
Level | 2 |
Area of effect | Several targets |
Range | In your line of sight |
Damage | Just enough to insult someone |
Duration | For about as long as it takes to recite a short poem |
Casting ritual | Concentrate on your opponent |
Recharge | Run fingers through the flowing water of the river |
Wild magic effect | Your mouth will slowly disappear over the next fortnight. |
Skylar's Deciphering Spell
The caster of this minor magick may emanate a pursuing gaze.
Level | Cantrip |
Area of effect | A single target |
Range | Within 3 paces |
Damage | Enough to cause a puddle to ripple |
Duration | For as long as you can hold your breath |
Casting ritual | Tap your heels together |
Recharge | Pluck a stone from a running river |
Wild magic effect | You begin to hallucinate the eyes of a large cat peering at you from every dark corner. |
Daemon of the Sepia Wind
The caster of this minor magick may bring forth a shielding wind.
Level | 1 |
Area of effect | An area no larger than three fighting beggars |
Range | Far from you |
Damage | Quite forgettable |
Duration | 4 minutes |
Casting ritual | Concentrate on your opponent |
Recharge | Scoop a handful of soil from the earth beneath your feet |
Wild magic effect | The nearest human turns into a sandworm. |
The Encoding Chant
The caster of this moderate magick may hurl a withering key.
Level | 5 |
Area of effect | An area the size of a wagon |
Range | Close to you |
Damage | Enough to make this spell dangerous |
Duration | 2 hours |
Casting ritual | Touch the target with your bare skin |
Recharge | Perform the complex movements with your arms |
Wild magic effect | You grow a gnarly hunchback. |
Wall of Honor
The caster of this major magick may shout a concealing wall.
Level | 8 |
Area of effect | An area the size of a wagon |
Range | No further than the nearest cross road |
Damage | Like the threshing of a wyrms many claws |
Duration | Until a child is born |
Casting ritual | Perform a ritual sacrifice while chanting the magic phrases |
Recharge | Remove one finger from your main hand and burn it at an altar using rare firesalts |
Wild magic effect | The nearest humanoid frightens you so much you weep and piss yourself. |
Spells designed by
Spell Generator with casting rituals, descriptions, and wild magic effects
The Spell Generator brings old-school, soft magic flavour to your fantasy roleplaying games. Use them as inspiration for your own original spell designs, to spice up a monster, or add magical effects to dungeons. The wild magic effects can be used by themselves or as catastrophes that strike the careless wizard who fails to perform the proper rituals!
Some spells include content from Maze Rats by Ben Milton. Used with permission under the CC BY 4.0 license.
If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!