Horror Prompt Generator
A moth with markings on its wings resembling a skull.
A cauldron bubbling with an unknown, and foul-smelling substance.
An executioner's hood.
A painting of a family sitting in a throne room, for an instant it looks as though each has drawn a dagger, but it's just a trick of the light.
Every child you see looks like a small, grey-skinned creature with black eyes and gnashing fangs.
A local cave has been issuing forth strange sounds lately, and some claim to hear the voices of their loved ones coming from the cave.
A top hat filled with razor blades.
Everything looks like it is slowly shrinking, crushing in on you.
You meet a person that looks exactly like you... and claims they ARE you.
A journal written by you, you can't remember writing any of this...
A family appears in your home, a family you have no memory of, but claims to be your own.
A painting of a grotesque creature dragging a child into a sewer grating.
Horror Prompt Generator
spectral heads, eldritch horrors, body parts, and more
Petrifying prompts for horror games like Curse of Strahd, Call of Cthulu, or Vampire: The Masquerade.
Create a chilling atmosphere with these gruesome items and plot hooks.