Heavenly Chalice
Wondrous item, rare
This golden goblet is ornamented with 4 glimmering gems and stripes of jet and ivory. It weighs 2 po…
Blue Dragon Horn Shield
Armor (shield), legendary
(requires attunement)
This shield is carved out of the horn of an adult blue dragon. While holding it, you gain resistance…
Vagrant's Wrist Stiletto
Wondrous item, rare
This single bracer has a hidden compartment on its underside. Within it lies a thin blade, which can…
Death's Shadow
Wondrous item, legendary
(requires attunement)
This black garnet amulet is carved into the shape of a bird's skull and is adorned with several dark…
Kraken's Whip
Weapon (whip), uncommon
This whip is made using the shrunken tentacle of a great sea creature. It still writhes slightly on …
Wondrous item, uncommon
This strange cloak is made using the enchanted remains of a young mimic. While wearing it, you can u…
Cleaning Cube
Wondrous item, common
This Tiny, sentient piece of an enchanted gelatinous cube is harmlessly soapy, instead of acidic, an…
Stuffy Familiar
Wondrous item, uncommon
This small stuffed animal is soft to the touch and perfect for hugging. If you can cast the find fam…
Bounder's Ball
Wondrous item, rare
This enchanted strip of metal is bound to a friendly spirit, which emits a faint glow and seems to v…
Magic Items designed by
Magic Item Generator compatible with DnD 5e
The Items Generator provides a random sample of carefully balanced magic items for dnd 5e that were generously provided by The Griffon's Saddlebag. These items are OGL-compatible and are only a fraction of the hundreds of exclusive items available to you when you support them on Patreon.
If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!