Forgotten Ghost of Julia
The caster of this moderate magick may summon a maddening ghost.
Level | 6 |
Area of effect | Several targets |
Range | Far from you |
Damage | Enough to break bone |
Duration | Only an hour |
Casting ritual | Imbibe the silver potion and wait for 5 minutes |
Recharge | Burn a piece of a gargoyle |
Wild magic effect | Over the next month, thick, black hair will cover your entire body. |
Gareth's Spawning Grace
The caster of this moderate magick may conjure a reflecting blade.
Level | 6 |
Area of effect | An area the size of a puddle |
Range | Anywhere in the same town |
Damage | Enough to make this spell dangerous |
Duration | 2 hours |
Casting ritual | Touch the target with your bare skin |
Recharge | Perform the complex movements with your arms |
Wild magic effect | Everyone around you smells like turkey vultures from now on. |
Ragnar's Inscribing Curse
The caster of this minor magick may conjure a sap ray.
Level | 1 |
Area of effect | A 7 foot circle |
Range | Close to you |
Damage | Quite forgettable |
Duration | For as long as you can hold your breath |
Casting ritual | Tap your heels together |
Recharge | Run fingers through the rustling leaves of an adult tree |
Wild magic effect | You lose all your hair. |
Lena's Avenging Grace
The caster of this major magick may emanate an emboldening slime.
Level | 9 |
Area of effect | An area the size of an old forest |
Range | Anywhere in the same continent |
Damage | Worth writing a song about |
Duration | Until the end of all things |
Casting ritual | Acquire the blood of an enemy and prepare a coral decoction |
Recharge | Travel to the land of the roc and recover what has been lost |
Wild magic effect | A strange, cruel mouth appears somewhere near your butt. the things it says upset you. |
Thunder of Evonne
The caster of this minor magick may embody an ice thunder.
Level | 2 |
Area of effect | An area the size of a single coin |
Range | Anywhere in the same town |
Damage | Enough to cause a puddle to ripple |
Duration | For about as long as it takes to recite a short poem |
Casting ritual | Utter the magic phrase |
Recharge | Hear the sound of the sparrow's call |
Wild magic effect | You are convinced that nothing can hurt you. |
Intoxicating Lines Mark the Swarm
The caster of this major magick may cast a diminishing swarm.
Level | 9 |
Area of effect | The entire planet |
Range | As far as the frog leaps |
Damage | Enough to leave permanent marks on the landscape |
Duration | Until all civilizations fade to myth |
Casting ritual | Acquire the blood of an enemy and prepare a teal decoction |
Recharge | Entirely rediscover the spell from first principles |
Wild magic effect | You lose all your teeth |
Spirit of the Cardinal Shield
The caster of this minor magick may summon a blinding shield.
Level | 1 |
Area of effect | An area the size of 1 wagons |
Range | As far as a cat leaps |
Damage | Just enough to insult someone |
Duration | Only a few minutes |
Casting ritual | Gesture in the direction of the target |
Recharge | Spin in 3 circles while facing the sky |
Wild magic effect | The wings of a bat sprout from your back. |
Foul Dust
The caster of this minor magick may emanate a worm dust.
Level | Cantrip |
Area of effect | An area the size of 2 wagons |
Range | At a short distance from you |
Damage | Quite forgettable |
Duration | 4 seconds |
Casting ritual | Sing a brief verse |
Recharge | Reassemble the basic components from your pouch |
Wild magic effect | You find that your teeth have all transformed into sharp points. |
Moss of Roger
The caster of this minor magick may bring forth a salt moss.
Level | Cantrip |
Area of effect | An area the size of a thimble |
Range | As far as the crow flies |
Damage | 9 hit points |
Duration | For about as long as it takes to recite a short poem |
Casting ritual | Gesture in the direction of the target |
Recharge | Identify a physical feature of your opponent and focus on it for 4 seconds |
Wild magic effect | You now have the same mating preferences of cottonmouths. |
Spells designed by
Spell Generator with casting rituals, descriptions, and wild magic effects
The Spell Generator brings old-school, soft magic flavour to your fantasy roleplaying games. Use them as inspiration for your own original spell designs, to spice up a monster, or add magical effects to dungeons. The wild magic effects can be used by themselves or as catastrophes that strike the careless wizard who fails to perform the proper rituals!
Some spells include content from Maze Rats by Ben Milton. Used with permission under the CC BY 4.0 license.
If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!